Sunday, August 22, 2010

Progressive Christian Blogs I'm Following

This post is substituting for a legit blog roll, which I can't seem to do with my old-fashioned template (one that I kind of like, actually) here in Blogger.  Of course, this post will get lost in the mix, I guess, as I add new posts, but here are some blogs I like.  These are blogs that offer a nice counterpoint to the gazillion arch-conservative blogs that are out there (especially in the Catholic portion of the blogosphere).  Many of these blogs also provide laughs alongside meaningful reflections, and, most of all, hope for the future.  (Not everybody is running away from Vatican II, thankfully.)

I imagine I'll add more as I stumble across them, and maybe I'll re-post this post if it eventually gets lost in the mix.  In the meantime, though, I'm just happy to have come across these progressive Christian sites.

1 comment:

Tc said...

aww, thanks very much! I know you've commented here and there for some time, and I'm glad you have your own place now. Peace.